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Compliance & Ethics


Quality client service is at the heart of what we do. To demonstrate this, we are certified to ISO 9001 and pride ourselves on operating to the highest possible standards of Quality, working hard to achieve a proactive Quality Culture amongst our staff. Everything we do is done with the aim of the complete satisfaction of our stakeholders, and we stop at nothing to ensure our services are analysed and continuously improved. Having built Quality into our Integrated Management System, our Compliance Department is always available to provide help and guidance during project planning, implementation, auditing and process revision. Our service provision always puts client satisfaction first, with client collaboration integral to ensuring our client’s needs and expectations are understood and realised.

Sinbad Navigation Quality


As a responsible operator of Vessel Based Armouries and Maritime Security Service providers, we operate a security management system to ISO 28000:2020 and ISO 28007:2015 ensuring the security of our supply chain and managing the risk to our stakeholders and operations. We work to conform to all recognised and applicable national and international legislation such as Flag State and in country licensing requirements and International Regulations such as the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. This comprehensive approach to legal and ‘best practice’ conformity gives our clients the peace of mind they need in a potentially high-risk industry.

Sinbad Navigation Health & Safety

Health & Safety

We are a ‘Safety First’ company and take time to ensure all our staff receive correct and adequate instruction, information, training and supervision to conduct their work safely and competently. As a ship-owner, we have built and implemented a Safety Management System compliant with the International Safety Management (ISM) Code, including a suitable and sufficient Risk Management System that takes inputs from all key stakeholders to ensure risks are identified, analysed, and treated in the most appropriate manner. Health & Safety Policy is documented both on and offshore and can be viewed on request.

Human Rights & Code of Conduct

We are fully committed to conducting business honestly, ethically and sustainably in accordance with the International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA) principles. Our Code of Conduct lays down the philosophy supporting our business strategies, states our ethical values and legal responsibilities, and underscores our commitment to conducting business in a responsible and respectful manner. In summary, it states that we will:

  •  Ensure we and our stakeholders conform to the rule of law and support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;
  • Operate to the highest business standards, best practices and quality assurance;
  • Behave with honesty, integrity and in a manner that reflects well on the Company at all times;
  • Operate to the highest levels of corporate social responsibility;
  • Accept only equality, diversity and competency in our workforce and business dealings;
  • Apply zero tolerance with respect to drug and alcohol abuse;
  • Operate strict Information Technology processes to safeguard our personnel and business against cyber-attack and other misuse of data;
  • Ensure the health, safety and security of all our personnel, the environment and our business at all times through comprehensive and effective Risk Management Systems;
  • Rebuff corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery, to compete fairly andonly engage in legitimate business practices.

Our Code of Conduct is communicated to all our partners, agents, suppliers and stakeholders to ensure they are aware of and comply with our standing on these issues. Upon joining, all our personnel receive training on the Code, and are given a personal copy which they are required to read and then sign to say they have understood it and will work within its principles. Wherever possible, the obligation to comply with it is also incorporated into our contracts with third parties. Any failure to conform to this Code is treated as a serious non-compliance, investigated and dealt with accordingly.


We take our responsibility to work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery, extremely seriously. We have a detailed document on Anti-Corruption, Bribery & Ethics policy that is distributed to all our staff, clients and suppliers throughout our supply chain.

All Company, business partner and supplier activities are exercised in strict compliance with the laws and regulations against corruption in force in the United Arab Emirates, as well as other international legislation including the UN Convention Against Corruption, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977, the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions of 1997 and the Convention of the European Union of 1997.

Sinbad Navigation Anti-corruption


We recognise and accept our responsibility to leave the world a better place for our future generations, and, as such, all our decision-making processes consider the potential impact on the environment. Our Environmental Policy ensures all our vessels and offices achieve this by conducting Environmental Risk Assessments for our operations and analysing and reducing our footprints with Environmental Checklists. We comply with international and national legal and regulatory requirements, and our processes analyse the political, natural and physical environments, the task & associated hazards, perceptions, and the risk tolerance of clients and other stakeholders. As the owner of a sea-going fleet of vessels, we are in a key position not only to directly affect the environment, but also to play a role in the development of new policies, procedures and best-practices that can be adopted by other companies and organisations, including publication of our Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plans (SOPEP) and Garbage Management Plans.

Certification & Memberships